Samsung Galaxy Ring was launched in India on Wednesday. Earlier this week, the South Korean tech large had opened reservations for the ring in India with an upfront cost of Rs. 1,999. The wearable was unveiled on the Galaxy Unpacked occasion in Paris in July alongside the most recent Galaxy Z foldable smartphones. The sensible ring is out there in three finishes and 9 totally different sizes. It’s Samsung’s first health ring, providing AI-powered well being monitoring and sleep monitoring options. The Galaxy Ring runs on the Samsung Well being platform and is claimed to ship as much as seven days of battery life on a single cost.
Samsung Galaxy Ring Value in India
Value of Samsung Galaxy Ring begins at Rs. 38,999 in India and will probably be obtainable on, choose retail shops, Amazon and Flipkart. The wearable is launched in Titanium Black, Titanium Silver, and Titanium Gold color choices.
Prospects can avail of Samsung’s sizing package to confirm their ring dimension earlier than buying Galaxy Ring. No-cost EMI choices of the system begin at Rs. 1,625 for twenty-four months. Prospects buying the ring earlier than October 18 can get a 25W journey adapter freed from price.
Samsung Galaxy Ring Specs
The Galaxy Ring is available in 9 sizes starting from 5 to 13. As talked about, the wearable comes with a sizing package that helps customers discover the suitable match from 9 dimension choices. The bottom dimension 5 model weighs 2.3 grams and is 7.0mm large, whereas dimension 13 weighs 3 grams. It ships with Samsung’s proprietary Well being AI options to trace totally different well being information. It offers Sleep Rating and loud night breathing evaluation, sleep metrics akin to motion throughout sleep, sleep latency, and coronary heart and respiratory fee.
With Galaxy AI, the ring generates an in depth well being report that features well being metrics like Vitality Rating. The system affords a three-sensor system comprising, optical bio-signal sensor, temperature sensor and accelerometer. It really works with the Samsung Well being app. The Galaxy Ring is claimed to ship as much as seven days of battery life together with a clamshell design charging case. The charging case has LED lighting to point charging standing.
Samsung’s Galaxy Ring encompasses a titanium construct and is IP68 water and dust-resistant. It’s marketed to resist depths of as much as 100 meters with its 10ATM ranking. Wearers can double pinch by way of Gestures to take a photograph or flip off an alarm on a related Galaxy smartphone.